Beginners Course May 2014

busyclassThe next CARISMA beginners course will start on Tuesday 20 May 2014, to run for 4 consecutive Tuesday and Thursday  classes (e.g. 20, 22, 27, 29). As usual we are very close to saturation. If you would like to join us please do it in May as we might not run another course the following month.

Please notice: you must join the beginners’ course just if you are a total beginner. Any previous experience in striking martial arts (kickboxing, muai thai, karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, etc…) is appreciated and will allow you to join without going through the beginners’ course. Please get in touch with us if in doubt.

If you’d like to check our prices please look at this page. Please notice that Kelsey Kerridge charges a day entry to every non member entering their premises.

We would like to gather numbers to be prepared so it would be great if you leave, confidentially, your name in this Doddle poll. Please make sure to turn up before 6:15pm at Kelsey Kerridge as there might be a long queue.

Easter Break 2014

HappyEasterCARISMA wishes a warm Happy Easter to all members, their families, friends and relatives as well as to all readers of our blog.

The club will be training until Thursday 17 April and then again from Tuesday 22 April. Most years we had some unplanned outdoor unofficial lessons during Easter break but weather forecasts are awful for this year.

Have a nice Easter Break!

Beginners Course April 2014

busyclassThe next CARISMA beginners course will start on Thursday 17 April 2014, to run for 4 consecutive Thursday and Tuesday classes (e.g. 17, 22, 24, 29). As usual we are very close to saturation. If you would like to join us please do it in April as we might not run another course the following month.

Please notice: you must join the beginners’ course just if you are a total beginner. Any previous experience in striking martial arts (kickboxing, muai thai, karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, etc…) is appreciated and will allow you to join without going through the beginners’ course. Please get in touch with us if in doubt.

If you’d like to check our prices please look at this page. Please notice that Kelsey Kerridge charges a day entry to every non member entering their premises.

We would like to gather numbers to be prepared so it would be great if you leave, confidentially, your name in this Doddle poll. Please make sure to turn up before 6:15pm at Kelsey Kerridge as there might be a long queue.

CUKBS wins Varsity Kickboxing 2014

Varsity2014It is with great pride and pleasure that I can announce that on Saturday 8 March the Cambridge University Kickboxing Society (CUKBS) won, once more and for the 4th consecutive time, the Varsity Kickboxing tournament against Oxford University Kickboxing.

We will add details about the individual fights at a later stage but I feel it is  important to write this little post just to officially state our victory, already strongly celebrated on Facebook.

Congratulations to all fighters Anna, Francesca, Prithvi, Tim, Raz, Dom and Kostas that all contributed to this victory. A great thank you to all members of CUKBS, ARUKBC and CARISMA which helped with training and preparation for these fighters.  A super special thanks goes also to Duncan, Georgios, James and Jarek which all helped and contributed, with their expertise and efforts, to train and prepare these fighters. Videos and further information about the fights will follow in due course.