CARISMA Town vs. Gown 2010 – tickets for spectators

The aim for TG2010 is to allow all fighters to enjoy themselves as well as gain realistic fighting experience while being in a friendly environment.  Although none of the clubs’ aim is to make a profit out of this event they need to cover the costs of venues, judges and ring therefore all spectators will be charged a small entry fee.

Tickets for spectators will be avaiable from Weds 27 Jan 2010 from the respective clubs, as well as from each fighter.  Prices for spectators will be as follow:

Concessions Regular
£4.00 £5.00
At the door £6.00 £8.00
  • Concessions will be all people belonging to the respective clubs: CARISMA, CUKBS and ARUKBC.

We are looking for volunteers that would be interested in helping out before, during and after the event.  They will be granted free entry to the event: if interested and available please Email Massimo (replacing <at> with @ before sending), no later than the 29 January 2010:

CARISMA Town vs. Gown 2010 – rules and weights

Will all fighters please read carefully this post and ensure to understand.  Any question please comment the post so the answer can be seen by everyone.

Weight Categories

Weight Category Men Women
Bantam Weight -54 kgs -50 kgs
Feather Weight -57 kgs -54 kgs
Light Weight -60 kgs -57 kgs
Light Welter Weight -63.5 kgs -60 kgs
Welter Weight -67 kgs -63 kgs
Light Middle Weight -71 kgs
Middle Weight -75 kgs -66 kgs
Light Heavy Weight -81 kgs
Cruiser Weight -86 kgs
Heavy Weight -91 kgs + 66 kgs
Super Heavy Weight +91 kgs


Punch to Head 1 point
Punch to Body 1 point
Front Foot Sweep 1 point
Kick to Body 2 points
Kick to Head 3 points
Jump Kick to Body 3 points
Any Jump Kick to Head 5 points

Scoring Areas

  • Side of Head
  • Face
  • Under Chin
  • Front Torso
  • Side Torso

Illegal Areas

  • Back of Head
  • Top of Head
  • Neck
  • Arm
  • Hand
  • Back
  • Kidney Area
  • Below the Belt (other than below the ankle sweeps)

All Sweeps must be boot to boot and no higher than the ankle. For a Sweep to score, the sweep must incur either a complete grounding, or a stumble leading to the fighter touching the ground with any part of the body other than the soles of the feet. Even the slightest of touches to the ground by the fingers for example, will result in the sweep being deemed successful.

Legal Techniques.

  • Jab (landing with knuckle part of the glove)
  • Reverse Punch (landing with knuckle part of the glove)
  • Hook Punch (to the body and head)
  • Front Kick (to the body and head)
  • Side Kick (to the body and head)
  • Hook Kick (to body and head) including Spinning Hook Kick
  • Jump Spinning Hook Kick (to the body and head)
  • Back Kick (to the body and head)
  • Jump Back Kick (to the body and head)
  • Roundhouse Kick ((to the body and head) including Jump Round Kick)
  • Spinning Back Kick (to the body and head)
  • Jump Spinning Back Kick (to the body and head)
  • Inside & Outside Crescent Kick ((to the body & head) including Jump)
  • Jump Inside & Outside Crescent Kick ((to the body & head) incl Jump)
  • Inside & Outside Axe Kick ((to the body & head) including Jump Axe)
  • Front Sweep (performed with inside of foot to below ankle), both legs front Sweep can be to the inside and outside of the opponent’s boot
  • Uppercut (to the body and head with control)

Illegal Techniques

  • Any open handed strike with the inside of the hand (slap)
  • Knife Hand (inc Spinning/Turning Knife Hand Strike)
  • Ridge Hand
  • Drop Sweep
  • Reverse Drop Sweep
  • Palm Heel Strike
  • Strikes with the elbows
  • Any Throw
  • Any Takedown
  • Pushing with arms
  • Leg Kicks
  • Strikes with the knee
  • Strikes with the Head
  • Use of the thighs
  • Touching the ground with any other part of the body than the soles of the feet.
  • Any Blind Technique

Illegal Actions

  • Swearing
  • Verbal attacks to the Opponent or Officials
  • Accusations of cheating to any Official or Competitor
  • Uncontrolled Strikes and Kicks
  • Any strike or kick to a joint
  • Strike to top or back of head or to the back of the body
  • Strike or Kick to the groin
  • Scratching, biting or spitting
  • Punching or Kicking after the Referee calls stop
  • Leaving the fighting area
  • Falling down
  • Running around the area
  • Using faulty or ill-fitting safety equipment
  • Wasting time in an unsporting fashion
  • Talking
  • Causing offence by inappropriate apparel, gestures or words
  • Excess power
  • Refusing to touch gloves or any other unsporting behaviour
  • All of the above offences may be punishable by the Referee.  The Referee may decide to verbally warn, officially warn, deduct a point or disqualify the competitor depending upon the severity of the offence.

Fighter’s Equipment

  • Headguard Must cover the top of the head. Must be a Martial Arts type Headguard in good condition which fits well. A full-face or semi-face visor may be worn if it can be proven that a medical condition requires it. This must be authorised by the promoter prior to the start of the Tournament.
  • Gumshield Martial Arts or Boxing type. No football / rugby type.
  • Boxing Gloves Must be 10 ounces for everyone.
  • Kick Boots Must cover the Instep and heel. Must be full boots and not shin-guards with instep pads. Must cover the whole foot.
  • Groin Guard. Must be worn under clothing, and not on top.
  • Shin Guards Must be worn under clothing and not on top. Must not be worn higher than the knee
  • Chest Guard Must be worn under clothing and not on top. Essential for female Juniors and Adults.


Fighters must be clean and dressed in an appropriate outfit. Toe nails should be clean and cut short. Fighters should wear a clean club’s T-Shirt that ensures that the top half of the arm is covered by a sleeve. A traditional Gi or kickboxing suit is permitted.

Martial Arts style trousers must be worn. The trousers should cover the Velcro fastening on the boots and should be full length. There should be no zips, pockets or buttons on the trousers at all. Track suit style trousers are not allowed. Hand bandages are allowed, maximum length 2.5 meters. Tape on the fist or the knuckles is allowed, but must not be excessive. The Referee can deem any hand-wrapping to be excessive.

Long hair should be tied back. No Metal/Plastic objects to be worn by any competitor, including earrings, eyeglasses, rings, watches, hair grips, chains, piercing jewellery etc. Soft contact lenses are allowed at the Fighter’s risk.

The Coach must wear appropriate clean sports clothing, and sporting shoes.

Equipment Check

Each Fighter is subject to an equipment check prior to the start of the fight. The checks are to be done by the Center Referee. Groin guards and chest guards are not to be touched by the Referee. The Fighter should be asked if they have the relevant equipment on, and they should reply in the affirmative. If injury occurs, and the Fighter has lied about the presence of such safety equipment, the Center Referee must disqualify the Fighter for breaching the safety rules. This is a compulsory disqualification regardless of how the accident happened.

What the Referee can do.

The Referee is the only person who can stop the bout. The Medic must signal to the Referee if he/she wants the fight stopped. The Coach can retire the Fighter.

The Referee may change any or all of the officials in his area if he wishes. This must not happen during a fight unless an Official is ill.

A Referee can deduct a point, or disqualify a Fighter, for any unsporting behaviour or dissent.

A Referee can disqualify a Fighter if he/she fails to be ready to fight after being called. (This includes not having the correct safety equipment, or not turning up at all). One minute should be called, and the Timekeeper should indicate when the minute has expires. The winner will be the Fighter who is ready to fight, and the win shall be recorded as a Walk Over.

CARISMA Town vs. Gown 2010

CARISMA is announcing the first Town vs. Gown Kickboxing tournament to be held in CAMBRIDGE at the Manor Community College on 20 Feb 2010, starting at 3:00PM sharp.

The town represented by CARISMA will be challeging members from both university clubs: Cambridge University Kickboxing Society and Anglia Ruskin University Kickboxing Club.

Each fight will be pre matched, taking into account gender, weight and experience, following the Wako international  weight categories and Kickboxing Light Continuous rules.  Each fighter will take part in a 3 x 2 min fight in the ring.

We are looking forward to members of all these club to come forward and take part is this uniques opportunity: please Email Massimo (replacing <at> with @ before sending), no later than the 15 January 2010,  indicating the following details:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Weight (that will have to be the same weight on the day of the fight)
  • Years (months) of experience in Kickboxing
  • Years (months) of experience in other martial arts
  • Number of fights to date

Three more victories for CARISMA

(L to R) Robin, Georgios, Andrew, Heley, Andrea, Nas, Linda and Massimo

Participants at Thurston September 2009

3 victories, 1 draw and just one loss is an amazing result for the 5 fighters that entered yesterday the tournament in Bury St. Edmund:

  • Heley Matthews (20), a 1st Dan black belt instructor for CARISMA and coach for the Varsity Team of the Cambridge University Kickboxing Society, managed to dominate her opponents during all of the 3 rounds.
  • Andrew Gilham (26), a green second belt with several years of experience and a number of successful fights and victories in his past, managed to easily dominate his opponent on both technique and ring strategy.
  • Andrea Cristofaro (37), a martial artist with many years of experience that started kick boxing early last year, also managed to impose his own technical expertise onto a less technical opponent; Andrea was at his second official fight.
  • Georgios Evangelinos (30), a blue belt with less than 3 years experience,  managed very well his skills and energies controlling a technically less capable but more aggressive opponent, finishing his first official fight in a draw.
  • Nas Salmi (39), a green belt with 15 months experience, was fighting his second tournament although he recently suffered an injury and he was surely not at his best.

Once more an obvious observation should be made: apart from very few exceptions the average technical skill from other clubs is pretty low and CARISMA’s members even when beaten because of other reasons, always demonstrate superior technique, posture, guard and repertoire.

We would like to thank all fighters for their committment and dedication in representing CARISMA in such a tournament, Robin Turner for his precious assistance and for coaching Andrea to his victory and Linda Silvestri for her help in filming the event.   We are missing Andrea’s video because of technical difficulties (two fights happening at the same time and just one camera) but please have a look at the others and leave a comment:

CARISMA demo at Olympiad 2009 week end

CARISMA took part to a sport demonstration organised by Cambridge City Council at the Corn Exchange in Cambridge.  Six of us prepared and performed a half an hour demonstration that shows some aspects of our training: regimental training, pair training, different styles of sparring and Multicombat for street fighting.

The resulting demonstration was good although the light and the position of the camera affected the quality of the foootage we managed to capture. I am pleased with the overall result:

I would like to thank personally and on behalf of the whole club for the effort and hard work that all members put in this project that are: Georgios, Heley, James, Robin, Rosie and myself. A special thank you for Caroline who assisted us there and was presenting and commenting our show.