All monthly fees, for people pay cash or by cheque, will raise from beginning of January 2011. Direct debit contracts are unaffected. Please refer to the Fees page for more details.
Tag Archives: fees
New Discounted Fees
CARISMA are pleased to announce the introduction of a new range of discounted monthly fees. These reward all members for a commitment to the club of three months up to a year with discounts equivalent to almost two free months of lessons for a full-year’s subscription!
For more details, please visit the Fees page:
Fees – late payment
Despite regular reminders, there are unfortunately some club members who do not pay their CARISMA monthly fees on time. In order to encourage everyone to make their payment at the beginning of each month, and to keep the club’s cash flow steady, we are introducing a fine for the late payment of fees.
Ideally those who pay by cash/cheque should pay on the first lesson they attend in a given month. We will issue a reminder on the second lesson of the month, and a fine of £10 if they still fail to pay on the third lesson of that month. The fine will also apply to those who pay their fees directly into the CARISMA bank account.
That said, if you find it difficult to remember to bring the money along to lessons, why not switch to paying by standing order? The fees work out £2/month cheaper that way, too
Grading – fees
Following the committee meetings at the end of last year, discussing CARISMA’s finances, the committee voted to introduce grading fees from the new year. The cost per grading will increase with grade, with the breakdown of costs as follows:
• The first three gradings (white to yellow, yellow to orange, and orange to orange 2nd belt) will be priced at £10
• The next three (orange 2nd to green, green to green 2nd, and green 2nd to blue belt) will cost £20
• The last three (blue to blue 2nd, blue 2nd to brown, and brown to black belt) will cost £30
If someone takes a double grading (for example, going straight from yellow to orange second, or orange to green belt), they would only pay a single fee relative to the final grade attained (so, £10 in the first example and £20 in the second). Most other martial arts clubs charge similar or higher fees, and CARISMA remains an extremely
competitively priced club. The grading fees will apply from the next grading (March 2009).
Fee increase – reminder
Just a reminder of this month’s fee increase – this is £2 per month across the board.
If you pay by standing order, please make sure you have amended the amount paid to Carisma each month; if you haven’t done it in time for the February fees, please give the outstanding £2 to Massimo at the next lesson.
If you pay by chash or cheque, you can use this as an opportunity to change to the more convenient (and cheaper!) standing order option.