Competition in Thurston Oct 2008

11 fighters, between CARISMA and CUKBS, participated in a Light Contact Competition organized by Pete Dunnet and the Combat Academy Kickboxing in Thurston (near Bury St. Edmund, Suffolk).

The overall results are extremely encouraging:

Chris Webb: winner
Luca Senatore: second (due to a penalty, excess contact)
Robin Turner: second
Aaron Lewis: second
Ollie Osunkunle (*): winner (opponent had to stop)
Rupert Goodway: second
Andrew Gillham: winner
Richard Kirkland (*): draw (one penalty)
Rosie Snajdr (*): draw
Josh Genkins (*): second
Chris Wilson (*): second

(*) indicates first time at a competition

CARISMA as usual displayed good technique, respect for the rules and professionalism. A number of coaches and masters from various clubs complimented Massimo Gaetani, head coach for CARISMA, about these qualities.

CARISMA fighters showed to have a distinct style, good technique and all those qualities that a martial artist should have by definition: even those at their first experience entered competently the tournament and stood their ground with good performance.

Follow the available videos of the fights:

Chris Webb, grey head guard and white footpads

Luca Senatore, black outfit

Robin Turner, red gloves

Ollie Olaskunle, red head guard, black gloves

Josh Jenkins, black head guard, red gloves

Rupert Goodway, black head guard

Richard Kirkland, red head guard

A Great Start for CUKBS

On Wed, 15 October 2008 The Cambridge University Kickboxing Society (CUKBS) held a very successful first session for all of its members. Following great interest during the Fresher’s fair the previous week, this first session registered an amazing turnout of over 70 participants that included over 40 new students.

Starting its second year under the guidance of CARISMA and its instructors, CUKBS is aiming at improving the average proficiency of all of its members, ranging from novices all the way to experienced black belts. All classes include a collective warm up of about 30 minutes that helps all participants to improve their flexibility, power and speed. The class then splits into smaller groups with different level of proficiency: each group, under the guidance of a different instructor, works on a specific syllabus that includes solo training, pair training, pad work, combinations, drills, sparring and occasionally street fighting and self-defense techniques.

Leo Schwartz, the new president of CUKBS, commented on the success of the first class: “we had a great start and we are planning to build on it further by keeping up the momentum. We are offering first class martial arts tuition which is fundamental for competitions but also to build confidence, relief stress and, in unfortunate situations, to defend one self”.

Massimo Gaetani, head coach for CARISMA, commented: “it’s a great pleasure to see so many new students joining us and willing to learn our way of training” and he added “building on last year’s success I am confident we have laid the foundations for a great 2008/’09 both in terms of University tournaments and Varsity”.

Chris Webb, Varsity Coach, concluded by declaring: “the continuous input from CARISMA and its instructors is always refreshing and inspiring: it helps us to be totally focused on the training and continuously improve ourselves”.

Successful end of the year for CUKBS

Last Wednesday, 11 June Cambridge University Kickboxing Society (CUKBS) completed its first year under coaching and technical co-ordination by CARISMA.

CUKBS appointed CARISMA back in June 2007 with the aim of achieving better results in competitions as well as to raise the general morale and motivation of the club itself. In total there were just a handful of people from the previous year so the whole team has been put together, nearly from scratch.

All CUKBS students are trained by certified instructors from CARISMA: this ensures that all aspects of training are taken into account by pushing and challenging the talented and most experienced people while encouraging and supporting the ones that are less experienced. CUKBS is open just to Cambridge University students and staff: all members are entitled to join CARISMA at a discounted rate if they decide to complement their training. Some of CUKBS students, once they accumulated enough training hours, were entitled to grade during the latest grading session is June.

“Although the last few lessons of the Easter term saw a lower than usual attendance due to exams theoverall results were more than satisfactory” – comments Massimo Gaetani, President and Head Coach at CARISMA – “We started the first lesson of Michaelmas term with 73 people: we knew many people were there just to check around; we managed to continue until the end of the term with around 50 people that is a great success and still, during Easter term we often had sessions with around 30 people”.

CUKBS Jun 2008

CUKBS Jun 2008