CARISMA Town vs. Gown 2020

CARISMA is announcing the Town vs. Gown Kickboxing tournament to be held in CAMBRIDGE at the North Cambridge Sports Centre on 15 Feb 2020, starting at 2:30PM sharp.

The town represented by CARISMA will be challeging members from both university clubs: Cambridge University Kickboxing Society and Anglia Ruskin University Kickboxing Club.

Each fight will be pre-matched, taking into account gender, weight and experience, following the Wako international  weight categories and Kickboxing Light Continuous rules.  Each fighter will take part in a 3 rounds bout fight in the ring (beginners 1 minute, intermediate 1.5 minutes and advanced 2 minutes)

We are looking forward to members of all these club to come forward and take part is this unique opportunity. Please click on this link to fill up the application form and enter your details.

Sunday Training 2 July

CARISMA training outdoors, Sunday training summer 2017

CARISMA training outdoors, Sunday training summer 2017

I love training outdoors. When CARISMA started we were just training on grass in various parks and greens in Cambridge city centre.  It was lovely but we knew it could not last too long… this in England after all.  However we try to keep the tradition by (aiming at) training outdoors during all Sunday training in July and August.  I remember having summers when we manage to spend all Sundays outside, others when just one or two happened but we keep at it.  Yesterday was the first of hopefully many Sunday outdoors training and we started with a bang: a record number of 12 people attended which is a great number for a Sunday outdoor training.  It was a busy and fun lesson with members ranging from total beginners to advanced and instructors.  The temperature was just perfect in the low twenties, with a nice breeze. Way better than training in a gym on such a lovely day, it was very enjoyable; I am already looking forward to the following ones.