CARISMA Town vs. Gown 2010 – last tickets for sale

We have a few more tickets for sale and we would like to invite everyone interested in being a spectator to buy their tickets at discounted price: the sales ends on Tues 16 Feb.

After that date spectators will be charged “At the door” prices as indicated below:

Concessions Regular
£4.00 £5.00
At the door £6.00 £8.00
  • Concessions will be all people belonging to the respective clubs: CARISMA, CUKBS and ARUKBC.

To secure your ticket, until Tues 16 Feb, you have four options (in decreasing preferential order):

CARISMA Town vs. Gown 2010 – the fighters

Here is the definitive list of fighters for TG2010: they all have tickets for sale if you are interested in spectating this unique event:

Club Name
CUKBS Jill Sommerville
CARISMA Harriet Teare
CUKBS Heidi Holmes
CUKBS Helen Porte
CUKBS Lucy Liu
CUKBS Jenny Almeida
CARISMA Ronnit Wilmersdoerffer
CARISMA Heley Matthews
ARUKBC Marie Fygle
CARISMA Rosie Snajdr
CUKBS Amin Abolghasemi
CARISMA Nassar Salmi
CUKBS Jeremy Leong
ARUKBC Vassil Richter
CARISMA Aaron Lewis
ARUKBC Alexander Larose
CUKBS Franz Ronay
CARISMA Andrew Gilham
CARISMA Phil Mcdiarmid
ARUKBC Jamie Trotman
ARUKBC James Leggett
CARISMA Richard Blockley
CARISMA Tom Hennessy
CUKBS Chris Kelly
ARUKBC Chris Jones
CARISMA Neil Levesley
CARISMA James Bush
CUKBS Phillip Richardson
ARUKBC Georgios Evangelinos

CARISMA Town vs. Gown 2010 – tickets for spectators

The aim for TG2010 is to allow all fighters to enjoy themselves as well as gain realistic fighting experience while being in a friendly environment.  Although none of the clubs’ aim is to make a profit out of this event they need to cover the costs of venues, judges and ring therefore all spectators will be charged a small entry fee.

Tickets for spectators will be avaiable from Weds 27 Jan 2010 from the respective clubs, as well as from each fighter.  Prices for spectators will be as follow:

Concessions Regular
£4.00 £5.00
At the door £6.00 £8.00
  • Concessions will be all people belonging to the respective clubs: CARISMA, CUKBS and ARUKBC.

We are looking for volunteers that would be interested in helping out before, during and after the event.  They will be granted free entry to the event: if interested and available please Email Massimo (replacing <at> with @ before sending), no later than the 29 January 2010:

Summer Camp 2009 – the video

With apologies from our video production company we can finally proudly announce the official video of the Summer Camp 2009 and, in this weather, remember the great time we had last summer in both terms of training and fun.  Looking forward to Summer Camp 2010!

Here is the video:

Xmas dinner 2009

Once more this year is coming to its end.  2009 was a year of celebrations (10 year anniversary), victories and achievements for the club and its members.

As we like to party as much as training once more it was time for celebrations. With 20 people around the table mixing novices with senior ranks and instructors,  food and great company it was surely an event not to missed and we are sorry for those of you that did.  Here are some pictures of the event: