We have finally decided to cancel the second day of the BIG WEEK END and our Kickathon; the weather, once more, played against us and the organisers. Here is a short report about what happened yesterday.
Everything started very sunny indeed and I had an initial regret for not bringing a gazebo and sun screen. By 11am I was considering that a gazebo would have been good but against the rain. Luckily the College of West Anglia allowed us to use part of their shelter.
We managed to successufully run our demonstration at 2:30pm: we under the rain for the whole time so with a total of about 4-5 spectators 
Big thanks to Daisy, Anna, Simone, Dom, Alex, Jarek, Theo, Heley, Sanyia and Penka who joined and helped for the day. Please come and see us today and help us to raise more funds: so far we raised £188.50 so we feel confident we can break the expected barrier of £200.00 we previously anticipated.
The amount of kicks performed on the day was just 150 due to weather conditions so, at the current balance, further 1735 are due and will be completed during classes.
I had a chat with the organisers from Cambridge City Council and suggested that a large roofed area would have helped to keep all sport clubs under shelter and helping them to connect with passers by, promoting our activities. However, as it is raining, very few people are on the park and very little can be done about that.