New Year’s Resolution 2013

New Year’s Celebrations 2013 – Image courtesy of BBC

New Year’s day starts with sunny and dry weather expected to be warm-ish, at least for this season.   We truly hope you had a great break.  For many of us it is time to go back to work tomorrow and our first session starts on Thursday 3 January.

2013 starts packet with activities and events like Town Vs. Gown in February, grading and Varsity in March, further tournaments later in spring.  We are looking forward to seeing many of you back from the first lessons, training often and hard to start a great New Year’s Resolution in martial arts.

For those of you who are beginners please wait until our next beginners’ course on 22 January and we’ll make sure it was worth waiting for.

Competition in Bury St.Edmunds – December 2012

As the weigh in is between 9:30 and 10am I would suggest to leave at 8:45 (sharp) from the club’s registered address, 222 Histon Road CB4 3HJ. In case of any problem please ring me on 07879 610111.

We need more cars please, none of the fighter apart from Alan (to the best of knowledge) has a car so it would be great if we could get some spectators, best if with own car, so they can carry some of the people.

Fighters must have a full kit of pads: mouth guard, 10oz Gloves with hand wraps, separate foot pads that covers toes and hills, shin guard, groin guard, CARISMA (or a plain black) T-Shirt and long black trousers. We have a couple of head guards that you can borrow.

Please make sure you bring a towel, change of clothes and a bottle of water. Usually snacks are available of side but bring your own food and avoid eating or drinking excessively to be in best shape.

The address of the location is:
Risby Village Hall

Aylmer Close
Risby – Bury St Edmunds – IP28 6RT

For those not going to the competition normal Sunday lesson will take place.

Competition in Bury St.Edmunds – December 2012

There is CKA light contact continuous competition scheduled for 9 December in Bury St. Edmunds.  All fights will be pre-matched with people of same gender, similar experience and weight.  If interested we need to collect personal details (Full name, Date of birth and experience) and the fighter’s fee of £12.  Spectators are very welcome at £6 each.

Competition in Bury St.Edmunds – September 2012

As we need to weigh in between 9:30 and 10am I would suggest to leave at 8:30 (sharp) from the club’s registered address, 222 Histon Road cb4 3hj. In case of any problem please ring me on 07879 610111.

We need more cars please, none of the fighter apart from Alan (to the best of knowledge) has a car so it would be great if we could get some spectators, best if with own car so they can carry some of the people. I would prefer to leave the only car we have to my family so if there are 1-2 cars please let me know.

Fighters must have a full kit of pads: mouth guard, 10oz Gloves with hand wraps, separate foot pads that covers toes and hills, shin guard, groin guard CARISMA T-Shirt (or a plain black) and long black trousers. We have a couple of head guards that you can borrow.

Please make sure you bring a towel, change of clothes and a bottle of water. Usually snacks are available of side but bring your onw food and avoid eating or drinking excessively both Friday and Saturday to be in best shape.