CARISMA is announcing the Town vs. Gown Kickboxing tournament to be held in CAMBRIDGE at the North Cambridge Sports Centre on 25 Feb 2017, starting at 2:00PM sharp.
The town represented by CARISMA will be challeging members from both university clubs: Cambridge University Kickboxing Society and Anglia Ruskin University Kickboxing Club.
Each fight will be pre-matched, taking into account gender, weight and experience, following the Wako international weight categories and Kickboxing Light Continuous rules. Each fighter will take part in a 3 rounds bout fight in the ring (beginners 1 minute, intermediate 1.5 minutes and advanced 2 minutes)
We are looking forward to members of all these club to come forward and take part is this unique opportunity: please Email Massimo (replacing <at> with @ before sending), no later than the 14 February, indicating the following details:
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Weight (that will have to be the same weight on the day of the fight)
- Years (months) of experience in Kickboxing
- Years (months) of experience in other martial arts
- Number of fights to date