All monthly fees, for people pay cash or by cheque, will raise from beginning of January 2011. Direct debit contracts are unaffected. Please refer to the Fees page for more details.
Author Archives: CARISMA
Grading Dec 2010
On Sunday 5 December 2010 we had another successful grading session. A total of 17 members of CARISMA passed successufully their grading and were awarded a higher rank: 1 black, 1 blue second, 2 green second, 2 green, 4 orange and 6 yellow belts were awarded.
Congratulations to the individual members!
Christmas Break 2010
We would like to inform everybody that the last lesson for 2010 will be on Thursday 23 December at Kelsey Kerridge.
The first session of 2011 will be on Tuesday 4 January at Kelsey Kerridge.
CARISMA, its instructors and the committee wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all members and their loved ones, looking forward to seeing you all back for a fantastic beginning of 2011.
Beginners Course January 2011
CARISMA has recently attracted a large number of new members thanks to its reputation and active relationships with both Cambridge University Kickboxing Society and Anglia Ruskin University Kickboxing Club. For this reason we are not running a beginner course in November or December 2010.
The next beginners course, will start on 18 January 2011 to run for 4 consecutive Tuesday and Thursday classes (e.g. 18, 20, 25, 27).
Beginners courses run in January are always very popular with lots of people inspired by their New Years Resolution so if you would like to join (or you know somebody who would like to) please do it on the 18 of January.
If you’d like to check our prices please look at this page.
There is no need for booking for beginners: please just turn up at 6pm at Kelsey Kerridge.
Competition in Bury St.Edmunds – The Fights
Another good result with two winners for CARISMA at the competition held in Bury St.Edmunds on 3 October 2010.
Here are the fights in the order they happened: