CUKBS wins against Loughborough University

Another great result for the Cambridge University Kickboxing Society (CUKBS) winning 6-2 against the Loughborough University Kickboxing club.  Held in Cambridge on Sunday 18 November the challenge saw a display of great skills and sportsmanship with an undisputed victory for the Cambridge team.  All bouts were 3 x 2 minutes according to the WAKO Light Continuous rules, with 1 referee and 3 judges from the Wako GB team. Here is a breakdown of the fights:

  • Cenan Djenan (CUKBS, 66Kg) vs. Max Meisterman (65Kg) was an unfortunate opening bout for Cambridge; Max started very aggressively scoring several points. Cenan, already in a disadvantaged position, managed to injure his ankle by the end of the first round and was forced to stop the fight as he could not stand on the very painful foot.
  • Tim Williamson (CUKBS, 68Kg) vs. Steve Millward (70Kg) was the first win for the Cambridge team; Tim, at his third fight, managed to pace himself with good combinations of both punches and kicks and simply outscored Steve.
  • Daphne Tsalli (CUKBS, 60Kg) vs. Daniela Bright (58Kg): Daphne, strong of her footwork and boxing skills, managed to spot a few weaknesses in Daniela’s guard, particularly at short range fight and secured the second victory for CUKBS.
  • Charlie Samson (CUKBS, 67Kg) vs. Zen Lee (70Kg): here we saw Zen immediately showing great skills and broad variety of good punches and kick that was quite obviously outscoring Charlie, who was at his first fight.  The fight managed however  to be well controlled and finished with a clear win for Zen bringing the second and last victory for Loughborough.
  • Samuel Dahan (CUKBS, 72Kg) vs. Andrew Smith (68Kg): this was a debut fight in kickboxing for two very experienced Tae Kwon Do (TKD) practitioners.  Samuel is 1st dan black belt in TKD, with over 10 years experience; Andrew is 2nd Dan in the same discipline so we expected a fight mostly based on kicks.   By the end of the first round it was pretty obvious that Andrew was not handling well pressure from punches so Samuel adjusted his strategy and managed to dominate his opponent with a close range strategy.  Being Tao Kwon Do a full time sport this bout attracted many warning and a near disqualification for excess of contact.
  • Ollie Osunkunle (CUKBS, 87Kg) vs. Rhys Morris: a very well matched bout with both fighters having similar weight and experience.  Ollie managed to dominate Rhys with very effective footwork, control of the ring area and good combinations of punches and kicks.
  • Alex Kaus (CUKBS, 77Kg) vs. Christopher Radcliffe (75Kg): in this bout we saw at the beginning Christopher landing quite a few punches through Alex’s guard.  At the same time it was obvious that Alex’s kick would land and score points most times so changing strategy toward a long range fight helped Alex to secure the match point.
  • Konstantin Semeniuk (CUKBS, 83Kg) vs. Martin Morgan (78Kg); another fight between athletes with over 10 years of experience.  Martin had a very aggressive start charging Konstantin and pushing him around the ring.  Within a few tens of second Konstantin started to ramp up his pace putting together some of his super fast combinations with double kicks from the same leg.  Then, in a blink of a eye, he threw a very controlled right hook that hit Martin in the right (or shall we say wrong) spot on his jaw, putting him KO.  The referee declared Martin unable to continue the fight and confirmed the final victory for Cambridge setting the score to 6-2.

Once more CUKBS, coached by CARISMA’s team of instructors and coaches, has gained another victory against a fellow university club, displaying a clear technical expertise and in depth preparation.  More pictures of the fight (courtesy and copyright of Duncan Grisby) are available at this page.  Videos of the bouts will be available soon.


Competition in Bury St.Edmunds – December 2012

There is CKA light contact continuous competition scheduled for 9 December in Bury St. Edmunds.  All fights will be pre-matched with people of same gender, similar experience and weight.  If interested we need to collect personal details (Full name, Date of birth and experience) and the fighter’s fee of £12.  Spectators are very welcome at £6 each.

Beginners Course January 2013

We enjoyed a couple of very busy beginners courses during September and October and we had many new members joining us, particularly from ARUKBC and CUKBS.    Therefore the next CARISMA beginners course will start on Tuesday 22 January 2013, to run for 4 consecutive Tuesday and Thursday classes (e.g. 22, 24, 29, 31).

January is always one of our busiest months in terms of recruitment so if you would like to join CARISMA (or you know somebody who would like to) please do it on 22 January as we might not run another beginners’ course for while.

Please notice: you must join the beginners’ course just if you are a total beginnner. Any previous experience in striking martial arts (kickboxing, muai thai, karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, etc…) is appreciated and will allow you to join without going through the beginners’ course. Please get in touch with us if in doubt.

If you’d like to check our prices please look at this page. Please notice that Kelsey Kerridge charges a day entry to every non member entering their premises.

There is no need for booking for beginners: please just turn up at 6pm at Kelsey Kerridge.

Beginners Course October 2012

The next CARISMA beginners course, will start on Thursday 18 October 2012 to run for 4 consecutive Thursday and Tuesday classes (e.g. 18, 23, 25, 30).

October is always one of our busiest recruitment periods so if you would like to join CARISMA (or you know somebody who would like to) please do it on the 18 October as we might not run another beginners’ course this year.

Please notice: you must join the beginners’ course just if you are a total beginnner. Any previous experience in striking martial arts (kickboxing, muai thai, karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, etc…) is appreciated and will allow you to join without without going through the beginners’ course. Please get in touch with us if in doubt.

If you’d like to check our prices please look at this page. Please notice that Kelsey Kerridge charges a day entry to every non member entering their premises.

There is no need for booking for beginners: please just turn up at 6pm at Kelsey Kerridge.