Another succesful grading session on Sunday 8 September. One Orange Second, 2 Orange and 3 Yellow belts awarded to members of CARISMA and CUKBS.
Author Archives: CARISMA
Training on Monday 26 August
The Manor Community College is closed on bank holidays therefore the sparring session on Monday 26 August 2013 will be run at the Histon Road Recreation Ground in case of good weather (e.g. no rain during or before the session) between 5 and 7pm. If it rains or the ground is wet due to previous rain the lesson will be cancelled.
Enjoying the British weather so far
When CARISMA started, back in 1999, we were very often training in the beautiful parks of Cambridge, mostly Jesus Green. That kind of a tradition has been kept over the years and we sometimes use parks when, for random reasons, some of our venues becomes unavailable and the weather is nice. We also book all Sunday lessons for the summer (usually the whole July and August) to be run outside in one of the parks and, just if the weather is not good, we book at the last minute an available room for the day.
This year we have been lucky: so far all of the (5) Sundays we managed to train outside, enjoying the lovely weather and the sun. If you have not tried yet please make sure you join us at one of our next Sunday lessons before end of August. Here are a few pictures of the lessons we run:
Beginners Course September 2013
The next CARISMA beginners course will start on Tuesday 17 September 2013, to run for 4 consecutive Tuesday and Thursday classes (e.g. 17, 19, 24, 26). September is notoriously a very busy month so if you would like to join us please do it then as we might not run another course the following month.
Please notice: you must join the beginners’ course just if you are a total beginnner. Any previous experience in striking martial arts (kickboxing, muai thai, karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, etc…) is appreciated and will allow you to join without going through the beginners’ course. Please get in touch with us if in doubt.
If you’d like to check our prices please look at this page. Please notice that Kelsey Kerridge charges a day entry to every non member entering their premises.
We would like to gather numbers to be prepared so it would be great if you leave, confidentially, your name in this Doddle poll. Please make sure to turn up before 6:15pm at Kelsey Kerridge as there might be a long queue.
Beginners Course July 2013
The next CARISMA beginners course will start on Tuesday 18 July 2013, to run for 4 consecutive Thursday and Tuesday classes (e.g. 18, 23, 25, 30).
Please notice: you must join the beginners’ course just if you are a total beginnner. Any previous experience in striking martial arts (kickboxing, muai thai, karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, etc…) is appreciated and will allow you to join without going through the beginners’ course. Please get in touch with us if in doubt.
If you’d like to check our prices please look at this page. Please notice that Kelsey Kerridge charges a day entry to every non member entering their premises.
There is no need for booking for beginners: please just turn up at 6pm at Kelsey Kerridge.