Seminar with Bill Wallace – March 2014

BillWallaceJoin us on 27 March for this unique opportunity of training with Bill Wallace. The seminar is open to Kickboxers (or martial artists practicing similar disciplines) at all levels, minimum experience of a few weeks is expected, as well as basic knowledge of stances, kicks and punches. CARISMA members will enjoy a discount, please ask at the classes.

Bill “Superfoot” Wallace is one of the legends and founders of Kickboxing; training with him is a great experience.

Places are strictly limited to 40 people including instructors and organisers on a first come first served basis. Book your place with the form below:

Town vs. Gown 2014 – The results

Here are the results in the order the fights eventually took place.  All fights were clear, unanimous decisions, apart from one:

Club Full Name Club Full Name Winner
AR Cindy Ogidi vs. CA Kaya Jabar Kaya
CA Beth Colman vs. CU Rachel Tulley Beth
CA Alexey Kravets vs. CA Felix Schmitten Felix
AR Ryan Marcano vs. CU Max Larkinson Max
CU Cenan Djenan vs. CA Mark Robinson Cenan
CU Lirane Boumard vs. CA Max Larkinson Max
CA Jethro Akroyd vs. AR Wu Oimolade Wu
CA Massimo Gaetani (demo fight) CA Anna Gaetani Anna
CU Dominik Lentrolt vs. CU Tim Williamson Tim
AR Hugo Kingsley vs. CU Matt Clarkson Hugo
CU Anna Lappala vs. AR Navy Varatharaja Navy
CU Francesca Benzi vs. AR Giulia Pilleri Giulia
CA Theo Morton vs. AR Chris Jones Theo
CU Konstantin Semeniuk vs. CA Ollie Osunkunle Konstantin

Total wins by club:

Town vs. Gown 2014 – rules and equipment


Punch to Head 1 point
Punch to Body 1 point
Front Foot Sweep 1 point
Kick to Body 2 points
Kick to Head 3 points
Jump Kick to Body 3 points
Any Jump Kick to Head 5 points

Scoring Areas

  • Side of Head
  • Face
  • Under Chin
  • Front Torso
  • Side Torso

Illegal Areas

  • Back of Head
  • Top of Head
  • Neck
  • Arm
  • Hand
  • Back
  • Kidney Area
  • Below the Belt (other than below the ankle sweeps)

All Sweeps must be boot to boot and no higher than the ankle. For a Sweep to score, the sweep must incur either a complete grounding, or a stumble leading to the fighter touching the ground with any part of the body other than the soles of the feet. Even the slightest of touches to the ground by the fingers for example, will result in the sweep being deemed successful.

Legal Techniques.

  • Jab and Cross Punch (landing with knuckle part of the glove)
  • Reverse Punch or Back Fist (landing with knuckle part of the glove)
  • Hook Punch (to the body and head)
  • Uppercut (to the body and head with control)
  • Front Kick (to the body and head)
  • Side Kick (to the body and head)
  • Hook Kick (to body and head) including Spinning Hook Kick
  • Jump Spinning Hook Kick (to the body and head)
  • Back Kick (to the body and head)
  • Jump Back Kick (to the body and head)
  • Roundhouse Kick ((to the body and head) including Jump Round Kick)
  • Spinning Back Kick (to the body and head)
  • Jump Spinning Back Kick (to the body and head)
  • Inside & Outside Crescent Kick (to the body & head, including Jump)
  • Inside & Outside Axe Kick (to the body & head, including Jump Axe)
  • Front Sweep (performed with inside of foot to below ankle), both legs front Sweep can be to the inside and outside of the opponent’s boot

Illegal Techniques

  • Any open handed strike with the inside of the hand (slap)
  • Knife Hand (inc Spinning/Turning Knife Hand Strike)
  • Ridge Hand
  • Drop Sweep
  • Reverse Drop Sweep
  • Palm Heel Strike
  • Strikes with the elbows
  • Any Throw
  • Any Takedown
  • Pushing with arms
  • Leg Kicks
  • Strikes with the knee
  • Strikes with the Head
  • Use of the thighs
  • Touching the ground with any other part of the body than the soles of the feet.
  • Any Blind Technique

Illegal Actions

  • Swearing
  • Verbal attacks to the Opponent or Officials
  • Accusations of cheating to any Official or Competitor
  • Uncontrolled Strikes and Kicks
  • Any strike or kick to a joint
  • Strike to top or back of head or to the back of the body
  • Strike or Kick to the groin
  • Scratching, biting or spitting
  • Punching or Kicking after the Referee calls stop
  • Leaving the fighting area
  • Falling down
  • Running around the area
  • Using faulty or ill-fitting safety equipment
  • Wasting time in an unsporting fashion
  • Talking
  • Causing offence by inappropriate apparel, gestures or words
  • Excess power
  • Refusing to touch gloves or any other unsporting behaviour
  • All of the above offences may be punishable by the Referee. The Referee may decide to verbally warn, officially warn, deduct a point or disqualify the competitor depending upon the severity of the offence.

Fighter’s Equipment

  • Headguard Must cover the top of the head. Must be a Martial Arts type Headguard in good condition which fits well. A full-face or semi-face visor may be worn if it can be proven that a medical condition requires it. This must be authorised by the promoter prior to the start of the Tournament.
  • Gumshield Martial Arts or Boxing type. No football / rugby type.
  • Boxing Gloves Must be 10 ounces for everyone.
  • Kick Boots Must cover the Instep and heel. Must be full boots and not shin-guards with instep pads. Must cover the whole foot.
  • Groin Guard. Must be worn under clothing, and not on top.
  • Shin Guards Must be worn under clothing and not on top. Must not be worn higher than the knee
  • Chest Guard Must be worn under clothing and not on top. Essential for female Juniors and Adults.


Fighters must be clean and dressed in an appropriate outfit. Toe nails should be clean and cut short. Fighters should wear a clean club’s T-Shirt that ensures that the top half of the arm is covered by a sleeve. A traditional Gi or kickboxing suit is permitted.

Martial Arts style trousers must be worn. The trousers should cover the Velcro fastening on the boots and should be full length. There should be no zips, pockets or buttons on the trousers at all. Track suit style trousers are not allowed.

Long hair should be tied back. No Metal/Plastic objects to be worn by any competitor, including earrings, eyeglasses, rings, watches, hair grips, chains, piercing jewellery etc. Soft contact lenses are allowed at the Fighter’s risk.

The Coach must wear appropriate clean sports clothing, and sporting shoes.

Equipment Check

Each Fighter is subject to an equipment check prior to the start of the fight. The checks are to be done by the Center Referee. Groin guards and chest guards are not to be touched by the Referee. The Fighter should be asked if they have the relevant equipment on, and they should reply in the affirmative. If injury occurs, and the Fighter has lied about the presence of such safety equipment, the Center Referee must disqualify the Fighter for breaching the safety rules. This is a compulsory disqualification regardless of how the accident happened.

What the Referee can do.

The Referee is the only person who can stop the bout. The Medic must signal to the Referee if he/she wants the fight stopped. The Coach can retire the Fighter.

The Referee may change any or all of the officials in his area if he wishes. This must not happen during a fight unless an Official is ill.

A Referee can deduct a point, or disqualify a Fighter, for any unsporting behaviour or dissent.

A Referee can disqualify a Fighter if he/she fails to be ready to fight after being called. (This includes not having the correct safety equipment, or not turning up at all). One minute should be called, and the Timekeeper should indicate when the minute has expires. The winner will be the Fighter who is ready to fight, and the win shall be recorded as a Walk Over.

Town vs. Gown 2014 – The fights

Will all fighters be at the venue on Saturday 22 February at 12:30 for a prompt 1pm start.  All fighters will be checked for weight before the fight; there will be one referee and two judges and their score will be final.  All fighters must have full kit (e.g. head guard, mouth guard, hand wraps, 10oz gloves, groin guard (males), shin guard and separate foot guard.

Uniform must be a club t-shirt (or black in the worse case) and long lose trousers.  No belt should be worn and all pads must be worn under the uniform (e.g. no visible shin or groin guards).  The order of fights is indicated in the table below; please bear in mind that such order can vary depending or a number of circumstances, including some of the fighters not turning up.

Club Full Name Club Full Name
AR Wu Oimolade vs. CU Leland Hui
AR Cindy Ogidi vs. CA Kaya Jabar
CA Beth Colman vs. CU Rachel Tulley
CA Alexey Kravets vs. CA Felix Schmitten
AR Ryan Marcano vs. CU Chris Silvester
CU Lirane Boumard vs. CA Max Larkinson
CU Cenan Djenan vs. CA Mark Robinson
CA Jethro Akroyd vs. CU Toby Norman
CA Massimo Gaetani vs. CA Anna Gaetani
CA Theo Morton vs. AR Chris Jones
CU Dominik Lentrolt vs. CU Tim Williamson
AR Hugo Kingsley vs. CU Matt Clarkson
CU Anna Lappala vs. AR Navy Varatharaja
CU Francesca Benzi vs. AR Giulia Pilleri
CU Konstantin Semeniuk vs. CA Ollie Osunkunle
CU Francesca Benzi vs. CA Iva Lazarova

Beginners Course March 2014

busyclassThe next CARISMA beginners course will start on Thutrday 13 March 2014, to run for 4 consecutive Thursday and Tuesday classes (e.g. 13, 18, 20, 25). In January we had a very succesful beginners course with over 10 new people joining us so we are very close to saturation.  If you would like to join us please do it in March as we might not run another course the following month.

Please notice: you must join the beginners’ course just if you are a total beginner. Any previous experience in striking martial arts (kickboxing, muai thai, karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, etc…) is appreciated and will allow you to join without going through the beginners’ course. Please get in touch with us if in doubt.

If you’d like to check our prices please look at this page. Please notice that Kelsey Kerridge charges a day entry to every non member entering their premises.

We would like to gather numbers to be prepared so it would be great if you leave, confidentially, your name in this Doddle poll. Please make sure to turn up before 6:15pm at Kelsey Kerridge as there might be a long queue.