Welcome ![[Updated on Friday 31/10/2008]](/new2.gif)
News ![[Updated on Friday 31/10/2008]](/new2.gif)
Social Events ![[Updated on Friday 31/10/2008]](/new2.gif)
Ranks & Grading ![[Updated on Friday 31/10/2008]](/new2.gif)
- It was decided to make training on Sunday a regular occurrence. Discussion of times and venues resulted in 3:00pm-5:00pm at CRC. (Full details are available on the Club Schedule page.
- Massimo official announced the AGT (Annual General Training).
This is to occur on the weekend of 30/6/2001-1/7/2001. The aim is for this to be bigger and better than previously. It will be advertised to groups outside CARISMA.
- Robin Turner was officially elected to the committee to organise the club presence in competitions.
- Robin announced the approximate cost of entering a competition at £23. (This included the ~£10 for a fighter license that is available form Massimo upon request.)
- The next competition is 25/2/2001 in Oxford. Head pads are provided by the club, but all other protection must be purchased by the individual. Transport for this is still to be arranged. Robin asked anyone who could help in this regard to contact him.
- Date for the next grading has been set (1/4/2001). Massimo expressed a wish for people to train with this in mind. This was especially aimed at those looking to go for the higher grades.
- Requests from people for more training aimed at blocking to aid people in feeling confident when blocking. Requests for more help in sparing were also raised.