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CARISMA 6th AGM, 20 July 2004
Attending: Massimo, Mark, Davina, Rob B, David, Raheela,
Ian, Yacine, Becky S, Robin W, Tom, Justina, James, Chris, Simon,
Melvin, Duncan.
Introduction: Massimo welcomed everyone to the meeting
Financial report and Attendance figures: Mark presented the clubs finances for
the past year. There has been a steady drift downwards and while it is not serious at
the moment some action needs to be taken. This might be:
- Increasing fees (these will have to increase anyway to counter the anticipated
raise in the price of booking Kelsey Kerridge).
- Increasing membership
- Increasing venue size by move the mattresses
- Making sure people pay their dues on time.
The committee will consider this at a meeting to be held soon. Mark then presented
some attendance figures for the past year. The membership numbers have been fairly
stable and there has been a steady rise in the number of people coming to Sunday
and Monday classes. This was encouraged.
Massimo made a series of points:
- Members are encouraged to train as regularly as possible since this brings
benefits both to themselves and also to the general technical level of the club.
- Future planned activities before the end of this year are:
- The AGT with Master Bottini, pencilled in for mid November at the moment.
- A joint Kickboxing Ju-Jitsu seminar. Robin W is in contact with a JJ
instructor and this looks like it would happen once the university term starts.
- Recruitment will continue for the next few months, with an
emphasis on finding people who fit in with the clubs training ethos.
- The instructors have been meeting on a regular basis throughout the year to
discuss training practices. Ian asked why we had stopped running in the warm
up, it was pointed out that we hadn't but that we hadn't done this for a while.
(We consequently ran on Thursday 22nd). Furthermore Robin T has resigned from
his position as a club instructor to focus on his job.
- Committee positions: Massimo, Mark and Robin were up for re-election,
Melvin and Robin T have both resigned from the committee so two people
were needed to replace them. The results were:
- President: Massimo: Re-elected unanimously
- Treasurer: Mark: Re-elected unanimously
- Extra position: Robin W: Re-elected unanimously
- Extra position: Ian: Elected to committee unanimously
- Extra position: Raheela: Elected to committee unanimously
A.O.B.: Davina asked about gradings and whether they would be more regular.
Massimo explained that the club runs one more grading per year than most
martial arts clubs and that there is currently no plan to run an extra grading
session between the July and December gradings.
Prepared by Mark Hoyle.