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CARISMA 5th AGM, 5 August 2003
Attending: Massimo, Duncan, Jack, Vicki,
Raheela, bioon, Becky,o Chrin Turner,
James, Malcolm, Clio, Davina,
Anna, Floriado, Mark
Introduction: Massimo welcomed everyone to the meeting
Financial report: Mark presented the clubs finances for the
past year. The clubs balance has increased throughout the year and the
club is now in a healthy position financially.
Massimo made a series of points:
A change in the club ethos towards encouraging people dedicated to
learning Kick boxing has lead to this current healthy financial position.
It has also led to a general rise in the general level of training over the past year.
The Sunday class will have to change location soon as Chesterton Community
College will be closed on Sundays
The club would like to run more activities like the AGT and seminars,
possibly in conjunction with other clubs.
Becky S and Robin W have both been appointed to the position of Carisma
associate assistant instructors. An instructors course is planned for the
near future to discuss issues relating to running classes.
Discipline: Some things have been highlighted as being distractions
from the smooth running of lessons and were bought to the clubs attention.
These are excessive talking in class, and also play-fighting.
Massimo expressed his thanks to everyone gathered for their help in running
the class over the past few months.
The Annual General Training: this will be held on the weekend of the 20th-21st
September, and will consist of 5 hours of training on both days. Massimo's Master,
Master Bottini a seventh dan black belt, will be coming to Cambridge, along with
three of his black belts, to help run this training session. Massimo emphasized
that this will not be like a regular training session, but will be aimed at a
level that will allow everyone to participate thoroughly for the two days. The AGT
will be open to anyone with a basic grounding in martial arts.
Vacating Chesterton Community College: Not only is CCC closing over the summer,
but it is getting too expensive for the quality of venue provided. For the short
term it was agreed to move the Sunday class to Kelsey Kerridge. A decision on the
long term location of this class is to be taken by the committee in the future.
Members of the Committee: currently the committee consists of:
- President: Massimo
- Treasurer: Mark
- Competition organizer: Robin T
- Extra position: Melvin Burton
- Extra position: Robin Wesson
It was noted that instructors form a majority on the committee and it was
wondered whether it might be beneficial to have more non-instructors/lower
belts involved. No lower belts or non-instructors offered themselves for any
of the positions and the general consensus seemed to be that the current
committee is doing fine. It was also pointed out that the decisions that the
committee takes are relatively low key and any major decisions are debated at
either the AGM or an extraordinary general meeting. It was also suggested that
positions on the committee might have a limited lifespan (say 2 years) at which
point they would automatically be up for a formal re-election.
Robin T mentioned out success at competitions and encouraged anyone interested
in supporting to come along. The next competition is on 14th September. Anyone
interested to talk to Robin T. Massimo also advertised the sparring class on
Mondays as a way to prepare for competitions and to practice the techniques learnt
through out the week.
Beginners: Currently we are only accepting beginners when the membership dips.
Massimo is happy for this policy to continue and no one seemed to object.
Prepared by Mark Hoyle.